Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hellooooo everybody

I just got back from a wonderful Easter weekend at home in Pine Beach. It was a really great weekend...probably one of the best I've had in a long time. I got to see all of my best friends, and hang out all weekend with the family. Ben came along for the weekend too, and he got to meet all my friends and hang out with the ones he already knew, as well as enjoy the Jersey Shore and a McKenna-fam Easter basket.

Here's the bunny cake we made: (I also made some yummy brownies)

I actually had a full week of vacation mode :). I spent last Saturday until Wednesday in Vero Beach Florida at the Disney Resort. Chris had a baseball tournament nearby, which Mom & Dad were going to, so we made a vacation out of it! Doodle has a time share with Disney, so we were able to stay in a sweet villa in Vero Beach. The trip was totally relaxing and fun, and I got some good bonding time with Mom & Doodle. I went to one of Chris' baseball games. It was great to see him play! He did awesome, and I hadn't seen the South team play at all since I was in high school.

Vero Beach Pics:

While I haven't been at work in over a week (vacation! oye), I really love our new office building (The Letterman building). There's much more space for everyone, the film studio is much nicer, and the interns have our own desks and space. It's great :). Also, the other day, I saw Paul Schaffer (of the Letterman band :)) just chilling in the lobby downstairs, so that was pretty cool. We also rearranged the film studio so it's a "newsroom" setup, so you will be able to see either the back of my head or me walking around pretty much every night :). I've been kind of in a slump at work, just because it's become so routine, and I am starting to get sick of doing "intern" things. But I just need to focus and finish the experience strong!

This week, I'll be up in Boston for the TGWW REVUE! I'm so excited to see the show and see all my friends. TGWW is also having a Voting Meeting for new Executive Board positions, so I will be going to that too.

I am making some progress in terms of accomplishing my goals for the time I'm in New York. I still haven't really accomplished any of the "big" ones, but we're getting there! This experience is more than halfway over :(.

Love and happiness to everybody! And enjoy this gorgeous sunny weather :).
