Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting Settled in NYC :)

Hello :) Welcome to my blog!

For anyone who doesn't know, I moved to New York City two weeks ago today! I am here to do an internship with Entertainment Tonight/The Insider. I am doing it through a Co-op program at Northeastern, and I will be here for six months (until the end of June). I am living in a cute apartment in the Upper East Side with my friend Ben.

So far, work has been great! I have been working for two weeks...I work from 9am to 6pm Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. My tasks include logging daily morning television shows, going on tape runs around the city, following the camera crews to shoots, directly assisting producers and directors, sending show footage out to the LA office, and whatever other random tasks come my way. It's definitely a very "day-to-day" job, but I love that I never know what to expect! I've met some random celebrities already that have come in to interview, and I can't wait to see who else I will get to meet and what else I will get to do. Also, Entertainment Tonight/The Insider's office is currently located in Paramount Plaza at 50th and Broadway, which is an amazing building/location, but we will be relocating in March to set up the office in the building where they film Late Show with David Letterman :) So excited for that!

While my main reason for being here is to work at ET/The Insider, I also have some other goals I hope to accomplish while I'm here. Ben and I each made a list of goals that we'd like to accomplish during our time in NYC and posted the lists on the fridge so we're constantly reminded of what we want to do :). A few of mine are: To be the most impressive intern at ET/The Insider, to audition for Broadway, to write and record 10 songs, and to be consistently running about 14 miles a week by June 30th. (There are a bunch more...I have a lot that I want to do! :))

Here's some pictures of my apartment!

Living room/music room :):

Master Bedroom (Ben's for the 1st 3 months!):
View from the master bedroom:Smaller bedroom (mine for the 1st 3 months):
Cute, right?! :)

Also, Ben and I went to see HAIR on Broadway the other night! It was AMAZING. I had been wanting to see it for a long time now, and I'm so glad I did...loved every second of it! Here's a picture of me with one of the stars of the show, Will Swenson:
We also went and explored the city a little bit the other day...here are some pics!

Horse & Carriage in Central Park!:

Rockefeller Center:

FAO Schwarz Toy Store :):

Ice skating in Central Park:

Here's me with a coffee-cup that fits around the amount of caffeine I normally consume in a day :P:

So I will be using this blog to write about my experience here in New York City! I'll be posting pics of work, friends, the city, and any random adventures I happen to have :). Hope you enjoyed reading this....Leave some comments with any questions or advice you have :)


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