Monday, January 25, 2010

Auditions & Boston Trip

Happy Monday everyone! Good thing I don't have work on Mondays :). 

On Thursday, I went to an open call audition for HAIR on Broadway. We woke up at about 615 and got to the audition at 8:40. The audition post said that the audition started at 10, and to come anytime between 10 and 6. But it turned out that there were over 1200 people there, so after waiting in line for 4 hours, we didn't even get to audition :(. It was a big bummer, and it would have been a great experience to have, but we did meet some cool people and have fun that day, so I guess it's okay! And now we know to get to auditions SUPER SUPER early! I've been looking at audition posts every day and can't wait to audition for more shows. 

This weekend, Ben and I visited our friends in Boston :) I had a ton of fun and it was so great to see everyone! We got to hang out with everybody we love and miss in Boston. Jen let us stay at her apartment with her...thanks Terky!

Here's a couple pics with friends in Boston:

Love, Katie

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